Lawmakers Can Make the 2023 Session a Win for Kids

January 9, 2023
Each legislative session, Kansas Action for Children works to build a state where all children have the opportunity to grow up healthy and thrive. KAC staff track hundreds of hours of committees, lead advocacy efforts alongside other nonprofit organizations, and work to inform Kansans who care about what actions lawmakers are taking to improve the lives of more than 700,000 children who call Kansas home.
The 2023 Session will be no different for us here at KAC. Our 2023 legislative agenda encompasses a wide array of policies that, if enacted, will help every Kansas family get the health care they need, enough food to eat for every meal, access quality child care and public education, and achieve long-term financial success.
1. Maximize the benefits of federal Child Care and Development Block Grant funding by using State General Fund dollars.
2. Fully fund Special Education, just like general K-12 education is funded.
3. Protect students’ freedom to learn through public education curriculum, including development of academics and life skills through social emotional development.
4. Support all children for full participation in school activities and sports teams.
1. Permanently fix the technical error regarding CHIP eligibility and the poverty level to put eligible Kansas kids on an even playing field with kids in every other U.S. state.
2. Permanently increase the newborn screening funding cap to $5 million so the program can effectively respond to new diagnostic and treatment options.
3. Support KanCare Expansion, so 150,000 uninsured Kansans can access the health care they need.
4. Maintain current immunization schedule and requirements for child care and K-12 school settings.
Economic Security
1. Improve eligibility and access to family support programs like cash, food, and child care assistance, so every Kansas family has what they need to thrive.
2. Remove the modified felony drug conviction ban from SNAP so those transitioning from the justice system to public life aren’t doubly punished.
3.Remove punitive criminal justice fees and fines for juveniles, which become an added burden for youth in low-income families.
4. Support payday lending reform, like through capping the rate that can be charged to borrowers.
5. Remove preemption of local minimum wage laws, so municipalities can independently address low wages in accordance with local cost of living.
Fiscal Policy
1. Expand the Homestead Property Tax Credit availability to renters.
2. Oppose changes to individual or corporate income tax structures that reduce equity for taxpayers and risk budget stability.
Download this agenda here.
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