29 October 2024 | Economic Security Health Education Tax and Budget Early Learning

The 2024 Kansas KIDS COUNT Data Book

Ryan Reza | October 29, 2024

Today, we released the 2024 Kansas KIDS COUNT© Data Book, a comprehensive report detailing how Kansas kids are doing in economic well-being, education, and health outcomes. The Data Book is rich with data collected from national and state sources. Our goal is to make child-focused data more accessible and easily understandable to the average Kansan. 

What Is KIDS COUNT©?  

The Kansas KIDS COUNT© project is an annual snapshot of how Kansas children are faring, determined by indicators based in health, education, and economic well-being areas. Kansas KIDS COUNT is a joint effort alongside the national KIDS COUNT project, operated by The Annie E. Casey Foundation. KIDS COUNT provides quality and data-driven solutions and products aimed to improve the state of Kansas for children and their families.  

What's in This Year's Data Book and What Does It Tell Us?  

The 2024 Kansas KIDS COUNT© Data Book includes in-depth analysis and policy solutions using KIDS COUNT indicators analyzed in four chapters — Demographics, Economic Well-Being, Education, and Health. The Data Book assesses the well-being of Kansas children and families with data ranging from 2012-2022, creating a “snapshot” of the last decade.  

With this edition of the Data Book, we are able to assess the first set of data in the years following the pandemic, how the state was impacted by the global health crisis, and the reality for Kansas families.

This year’s edition of the Data Book shows the changing landscape for Kansas, as our 26 indicators paint the picture for how children are faring in the state. Last year, we saw how pandemic-era programs improved many outcomes for Kansas kids. But with those programs being temporary, so was that progress. The newest data shows fading progress and underscores the need for decision makers to do everything they can to help families.

How Can the Data Book Be Used?  

The Data Book is a secondary source that includes up-to-date data, meaning we accessed and analyzed the data from 12 primary sources. Some of the sources include the U.S. Census Bureau, Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Kansas State Department of Education, Feeding America, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.   

Data visualization-focused products increase data literacy and open the door for more data-driven advocacy conversations. The Data Book is meant to be an educational resource for policymakers, advocacy organizations, and the public to understand issues relevant to Kansas children and families, while connecting the present data to real-world policy solutions.  

Why Is the Data Book Important?  

The Data Book is a resource for those wanting to make Kansas a better state and begins conversations backed by data-driven solutions. The indicators provide the background needed for policy and can be used in local, state, and federal advocacy. 

Below is an example for an indicator spread within the Data Book: 

We hope readers are able to use the 2024 Kansas KIDS COUNT© Data Book to tell the stories of Kansans across our state in a much more in-depth and meaningful way.   

Where Can I Find It?  

The Data Book is available digitally on our website here: www.kac.org/2024_data_book. You can also download a PDF version. If you would like a physical copy of the Data Book, please email us a request at [email protected]

What’s Next? 

While we just released this year’s Data Book, we are already beginning to work on the next edition! If you have any feedback or questions about the 2024 Kansas KIDS COUNT© Data Book, don’t hesitate to reach out to Ryan Reza, Data and Policy Analyst, at [email protected]. Your thoughts will inform us of our work in the year ahead!

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