KAC update: Turning great ideas into reality, post November 3

Kansas Action for Children
Oct. 28, 2020
All eyes are on Election Day. The races decided Nov. 3 will shape our lives for years to come. If you’re registered, make sure to cast your ballot.
But we'd like to focus on all the days after the election.
Here’s the tough truth. Our civic responsibility doesn’t end once we’ve voted, and the policies that we care about don’t magically come into being. High-quality child care? Affordable health care? Family support programs like food assistance? Making these ideas a reality takes dedicated work. And much of that work takes place in the corridors and chambers of the Kansas Statehouse.
During the legislative session, from January to May, KAC promises to keep you informed about legislation being considered at the Statehouse that could affect kids. Our dedicated staff members are keeping their eyes on all of it.
We will let you know what’s happening. And when a critical bill comes up, we promise to connect you with senators and representatives to share your thoughts.
When the Legislature isn't in session, we pledge keep you up to date on federal action – lawmakers in Washington, D.C., make decisions that affect Kansas kids and families. We will share more educational materials about how kids in Kansas can grow and thrive.
Remember, children’s issues aren’t partisan. They don’t belong to Republicans or Democrats. They belong to every one of us. And while elections are important, this work continues every month of every year.
We'll be in touch.
P.S.: The pandemic is requiring businesses to innovate and change their practices -- and children's advocacy is no different. If you're interested in helping us try new approaches to shaping legislation, send us a note. We may not have an immediate activity available for you, but we want to know who we can call on.