At Kansas Action for Children, our work is motivated and fortified by our shared commitments as individuals and as an organization.
We are committed to racial equity. Kansas Action for Children believes that every child deserves the opportunity to grow up healthy and thrive, regardless of race, income, zip code, identity, or ability. Right now, too many children and their families are unfairly held back by policies and systems that perpetuate racial inequity.
We are committed to partnership. We are on your team. We can create the best outcomes for children and families when we work together. We collaborate with partners to amplify collective voices speaking on behalf of Kansas children and families. We engage communities targeted by systemic racism to inform our advocacy and advance racial equity and inclusion in our state. We seek diverse partners who are willing to leverage their own influence to advance policy solutions that benefit Kansas children and families.
We are committed to truth and trust. We readily share accurate information and tested messaging with different policymakers, government agencies, news media outlets, and advocacy groups. Advocates and policymakers across the state trust us because our work produces results. We actively monitor high-quality data and work to advance informed policy solutions to improve the well-being of Kansas children and families. We strive to help leaders, advocates, and policymakers understand the issues facing Kansas children and families through research and analysis.
We are committed to continuous learning. We are curious, passionate learners. We’re open to new experiences and new ways of doing things. We are innovative and responsive, thinking beyond the constraints of existing structures and systems. We bravely take risks because we know that when we are open to doing things differently, we can achieve greater opportunities for Kansas kids and families than ever before.
We are committed to kindness. We do this work because we care. As a KAC team, we come together to support one another, to lift each other up when we face difficulties, and to celebrate when we accomplish great things. We are here as a resource and an ally to all those in Kansas and beyond who are committed to improving the lives and opportunities of Kansas kids and families.