20 April 2022 | Tax and Budget

KAC Statement on CRE Forecast

April 20, 2022
Contact: Jessica Herrera Russell

TOPEKA, Kansas — Kansas Action for Children Director of Fiscal Policy Emily Fetsch released this statement after the state’s Consensus Revenue Estimating Group issued its latest forecasts:

“Even though the past two years have been filled with economic uncertainty across the country, Kansas revenues have continued to grow to historic levels. Today’s news from the Kansas Consensus Revenue Estimating Group demonstrates the state is on a path to maintaining financial stability in the future.

"But this will only remain possible if lawmakers do not pass irresponsible bills favoring special interests that deeply cut our revenues. With forecasts showing an overall increase in state revenues by a combined $340.7 million for this fiscal year and FY 2023, lawmakers must show their commitment to passing legislation that helps those who live here.

"This forecast is good news for our state. And it will be good news for Kansas kids if lawmakers use their remaining time to pass essential policies that benefit families. When the Legislature reconvenes for the final days of the 2022 Session, we urge legislators to pass bills that will help families — not make it harder for them to make ends meet — and allows our state to prioritize much-needed investments now and in the future.”