KAC Statement on Defeat of SCR 1620
March 24, 2022
Contact: Jessica Herrera Russell
TOPEKA, Kansas — Kansas Action for Children President and CEO John Wilson has released the following statement in response to SCR 1620 failing in the Senate this evening.
“Tonight, SCR 1620 failed to receive enough votes to add yet another constitutional amendment to the August ballot. This resolution would have been harmful to Kansas in the long term by locking us into our current unfair tax system by requiring two-thirds of both chambers to vote in favor of any tax increases or new taxes, but NOT for tax cuts.
“KAC is grateful the Senate recognizes our government needs to be able to respond in fiscal crises so Kansas does not risk having to drastically cut vital programs as we have had to do in the past. This outcome means our state can continue properly funding our public schools, fixing our roads, and investing in our state’s future. Thank you, Senators, for taking the responsible path forward.”