KAC Statement on Governor's Veto of HB 2344, Loosening Child Care Safety Standards
April 19, 2023
Contact: Jessica Herrera Russell
TOPEKA, Kansas — John Wilson, President and CEO of Kansas Action for Children, released the following statement regarding Governor Kelly’s veto of Senate Sub. for HB 2344, which would loosen child care safety standards.
“Kansas Action for Children applauds Governor Kelly for vetoing Senate Sub. for HB 2344, which would have undermined current regulations for basic safety in child care settings. Great care must always be taken when it involves our smallest kids, and sadly, this bill would have jeopardized the safety of not only kids in care, but also providers.
“Everyone agrees that more must be done to solve the child care crisis but the solution isn’t to rush through legislation that hasn’t been informed by the child care community and those who understand the industry best. We urge the Legislature to sustain the Governor’s veto and join us and child care advocates in crafting long-term solutions to ensuring every Kansas kid has the opportunity to receive high-quality care.”