RELEASE: New governor, new landscape for Kansas kids
Jan. 14, 2019
TOPEKA, Kansas – Kansas Action for Children’s Vice President of Advocacy John Wilson released the following statement today:
“As Laura Kelly was sworn in as Kansas governor this morning, a new era began in state government. In her inaugural address, Gov. Kelly reiterated her commitment to children and families, highlighting issues that Kansas Action for Children has backed for 40 years.
“Recently, the governor has spoken about the importance of affordable and accessible child care and paid family leave, both of which KAC has chosen as policy priorities for the next two years.
“We are excited about the possibilities.
“Kansas also welcomes 165 legislators into the House of Representatives and Senate today. Regardless of party, many of them feel passionately about the same causes and issues that we do. We are just as eager to work with them in the days and weeks ahead.
“No matter who you are on this Inauguration Day, Kansas Action for Children stands ready to collaborate, making our state the best in the nation to raise – and be – a child.”